
The surface waters run down the slopes of the hills of Požana in all four cardinal directions. The largest stream is called Slatina and during its travel it meets almost all the rivers in the region (except for those that head north). The source of the Hučava stream is in the crater of the extinct volcano. It runs through a valley called Hrochoská dolina and comes across the west slopes of Požana, then turns south and joins the stream of Slatina.

The town Detva is situated on the stream Detviansky potok, which flows into Slatina, too. Dúbravský potok stream drains the area of possible old horseshoe-crater and joins Slatina near the village Pstruša. If we speak about the waters, we certainly must mention a winding stream Kamenistý potok, which heads north from Požana and is known for its beautiful meanders.

Moreover, we must not forget to mention numerous mineral springs. Their occurrence was caused by the tectonic activity of Požana. .